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Cream Foundation & TWO highlight Colors?

The maskcara highlight is absolutely amazing. People who aren’t used to cream foundation need to remember a few things about the cream foundation, but once you get the hang of it, you won’t look back.

Here is so information straight from Cara and the Maskcara team. 

Cream foundation is easy to use, if you get it in the wrong place, you will be able to wipe it right off. It looks like a second skin. The texture/moisture of your skin doesn’t change. 

I have ALWAYS used liquid foundation until now, and it dried me out SO bad along the sides of my nose. 

Cream gives a natural looking finish. The dewy texture is part of the look, it’s the natural glow!!! 

If you need to treat a spot or update your look, it literally takes seconds. You don’t have to relayer all of your makeup. 

This product will make your skin happy. Products that set are very irritating on your skin and can dry it out.

“When you’re used to your makeup setting it seems strange at first. Creams can move and give you the natural movement of your face. Creams don’t crease as much as other setting makeups either because it won’t set into your fine lines!”

Works on all types of skin

“Dry, oily, combination, it doesn’t matter. Cara really believes it is perfect for each skin type. We feel like 99% of people can use and benefit from creams which is why it is all we offer at this point. We wouldn’t want to create a bunch of products that aren’t a good fit for most people and overwhelm and confuse them when creams work on almost anyone!”

It doesn’t set.

You can use STAY and powder to set the makeup if you feel it is slipping. You also may be using too much product! Sometimes we also notice slipping when the customer is applying moisturizer or primer before putting on the makeup.

Make sure that you are cleaning your brushes, moisturizing (but not right before application, let your face soak it in first) and exfoliating 2-3 times a week. And I can almost guarantee success, (or Maskcara will refund you within the first 30 days… so really its them guaranteeing it).



Sometimes you need TWO colors.

Toward your chin and on your forehead will usually be the darker of the two colors, that’s there the sun hits. If you have a lot of redness, you may beed sunlit for part of your face, and under the eye will be the lighter color. 

Highlight does just that, highlights your beautiful features. In this video I show an extreme lighten of the eye with moonlit. My usually color is Amber, and under my eye I have been using Aura. I really liked how the moonlit really brought attention to my eye and upper cheekbone. When you get color matched, sometimes you will already look like two different colors, if you want an even lighter highlight color let me know. 

Xo, Lauren Pace

Thanks for reading. Go follow me on instagram.com/xolaurenbeauty. 

To order or get an online color match, contact me at pacemadedesigns@gmail.com or head straight over to maskcarabeauty.com/laurenpace

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