Rising Motherhood

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10 Reasons I Joined Maskcara, an MLM Company

As the wife to a very successful roofing contractor and business owner,

grad student, mom, fur mother to high maintenance dogs & business owner.

I am not lacking in income or hobbies.


Yet Maskcara had a draw for me.

Something that was calling my name.

I can't quite narrow it down.

It was a combination of these ten things.


#1. The Product

Three dimensional face? Real life photoshop? Yes, please. My first experience with cream based foundation, was different. I think that's what made me want to use it and be successful with it. Cream is what the movie stars use, cream is what people with wrinkles use, cream gives you a dewy glow. Young, fresh skin. It doesn't set, so it doesn't cake or dry you out. It also doesn't slip off your face. The contour lifts you cheekbones, the highlight brightens your eyes, the blush adds happiness to your complexion. Even skin tones with out taking away from what makes us beautiful and unique. I could go on and on. But I will share more later.


#2. No shame, in who I'm representing!

 First off let me start off by saying, I joined Senegence for that lip sense discount, cuz I couldn't justify spending a full $50 just on my lips. I was ashamed though, I didn't tell anyone I was selling it. Except to post one time to see if anyone wanted in on my discount. BOO! I felt like I would lose all credibility as a friend for selling lipsense for a couple reasons. #1. A lot of people in the company were just selling discounted lipsense, which really hurt the whole integrity of the MLM business. But the product is over priced! #2. You had to have your own inventory, and I wasn't about to spend $100-$1000 having samples so we could all share the same lip tube, nope. #3. Their packaging reflects the Brady Bunch. I was still intrigued my their product, I was just ashamed to put my face behind it. (Having said that I know some AMAZING ladies who killed it with their quality and representation of this company, they almost even made the packaging look good, I admired their approach, but it just wasn't for me. This is not a bash on ANY distributor, you ladies are AMAZING, it was the company and what I would've been representing that made me uncomfortable.). Fast forward to now. I scroll through Cara's feed and cry. She is one of the most beautiful, selfless woman. She's a young mother, just adopted her 15-year-old Hispanic foster child. She is an incredible make up artist and has a beautiful spirit. Now that's someone I'm happy to get behind, 100%.  When I asked senegence a question through email, three times, about their ingredients, I was ignored. No one ever responded. Any question or concern I've had with Maskcara has been answered, sometimes even late Saturday night, WHAT?! It's a COMPLETE difference.



#3. Simplifying My Routine

Being purposeful with my time and space, the "minimalism movement" if you will, is something that has brought clarity into my life and rhythms. I got rid of that eye shadow covered make up bag, threw away the shimmery compacts and now can carry all of my make up in one small compact. It not only limits the AMOUNT I have, but the time it takes me to have a completely finished look.


#4. Compensation

At minimum I will be able to make 20% on all my sales, plus use party perks from my own sales to earn free make up and more discounts… the best part is… there is NO auto ship required. Doesn't get a ton better than that as far as make up & skin care sales go…


#5. Business Model

I knew that I could use my OWN business model that I am comfortable with. No scripted messages, no set amount of parties. No sheepishly begging friends to buy, or targeting them personally. I could incorporate this into the pieces of my life I am already passionate in talking about, including, health, beauty, art, design. It fits so nicely into my life. Because I talk about every day stuff on my feeds. I talk about my dogs getting sick and my son taking his first steps. I talk about my incredible laundry mound and so why not talk with the same subtlety, and passion about something I love like this make up?! It was easy to fit it in. And as someone who has worked with over 100 brands, and created a brand development workshop, I can fit it right into your "brand" too, even if you don't already have one. Let's brainstorm.


#6. FOMO (fear of missing out) | Ground Level

Avon has 6,000,000, Mary Kay has 4,000,000, Younique has 700,000, Senegence (Lip Sense) has 168,000 and Maskcara has just under 5,000 (as of September 2017).  This is a great time to get in while the market isn’t saturated!


#7. No Inventory

Hitting this point a second time cuz this means, no deliveries, no shipping, no packaging, no people knocking on your door all day to get product. It's beautiful packaged and sent STRAIGHT to your customer. A package of happiness if you ask me. I wouldn't be able to package it half as good. This speeds up the delivery and makes sure all contents get there safely.


#8. Your Customers are Yours!

How many Mary Kay people have you bought from in your short life? Me, QUITE a few. Not gonna lie. The goal is to have your one Mary Kay lady, but it's just not set up to be that way.

A, because you go with whoever has your inventory in stock,

B. who can you get you a better deal,

C. who's the most convenient to use.

Maskcara is different. Once your customer, always your customer. Their email is their login, and if they try to create a new account with someone else they can't. They are yours! How nice is that loyalty. You don't have to put in the work again and again. You can build relationships and trust.


#9. No Push

Ugh! I just don't feel right about adding 100 people into a group they have no desire to be in. I don't feel right about posting about what I'm selling, what I'm selling, what I'm selling, what I'm selling. My only intention is to share what I love, how I use it in REAL life and create curiosity. Come to me if you want to try it. I'm not going to hunt you down for liking my posts.


#10. Growth

This business opportunity has no ceiling limits, no hours required, no sale obligations to participate. It gives me the opportunity to grow and build a team at my own pace. It gives me challenges, opportunities to exercise my love for business, teaching and all sparkly things.

These are the things that drew me, but now it's even more. It's even better. This has been an outlet for me to serve in my areas of design and business expertise all the amazing women on my team. And I love the team. We are lifting each other up, finding purpose and causes support.

Doing make overs on our grandmas and daughters, beautiful strangers, next door neighbors.  Your vibe truly attracts your tribe. My tribe is full of selfless, go-getters… looking for the beauty in others. I'm just so happy to be a part of this culture of strong women.

empowered women, empower women.

Xo, Lauren Pace

Thanks for reading. Go follow me on instagram.com/xolaurenbeauty. 

To order or get an online color match, contact me at pacemadedesigns@gmail.com or head straight over to maskcarabeauty.com/laurenpace

To stay updated on blogs, sales & parties, subscribe here http://eepurl.com/c1rX8X (don’t worry, I hate spam, I will keep it to your benefit only.