Rising Motherhood

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Believe me, I’ve had my fair share of STOP WHINING!!!! moments. But I realize too that it’s a lose lose if I get to that point.

For little annoying behaviors like whining. We don’t ignore them, give them what they want then come back to a green arrow moment later. We do the teaching right then.

You can ask nicely. Say, “I want the dinosaur show please” *repeat* “ok now you do it” *does on own*

This is the only way whining will commence. There has to be consistent teaching of what they SHOULD do. Not just what they shouldn’t.

Say this to your kid the next time they whine. In a serious face. And share with me the look on their face. #momjokes

Lauren Pace, MS | Parenting Coach | Child Behavior Coach | Logan, Utah | WA | Online