Rising Motherhood

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Family Dates Look Different: Xbox or Kayaking

Time with dad. When I was growing up, time with dad looked different. He had a home office & so we saw him all throughout the day. When we had kids I extended bed time so they would see their dad who worked long hours. And realized that time with dad was going to be different. It honestly was hard for me. I almost cried when a sleep trainer told me that I needed to put my kid to bed at 7 😭😭 I’m like they won’t know their dad.

But they do. And we have figured out a way for US that works. Later bedtime. Snuggles in the bed. And family time every 👏🏼 chance 👏🏼 we 👏🏼 get. Our family time might look different than yours. But it’s so important.

After I shared my family kayaking in a lake up in the mountains, I received a message from another mom. And I want to share it with you.

“Family time for us is Xbox games. Lego Star Wars or right now Minecraft. It is a bonding time for us though. My son is autistic and it's been great to see him work as a team with my husband on a game. Sometimes bonding time with my son looks like building Legos or looking at frogs on my phone. Not going to lie sometimes I see other family adventures like yours and feel jealous.“

“Sometimes family time doesn't look like what we think it's supposed to or what everyone else's does and that's ok! We sometimes have to take the lead from our kids interests and take turns with that. My cup still gets filled by baking together or trying new restaurants.”

I love this message because we have to do what works for our kids and families.

Find a way to fill your cup with time with your family. ❤️ your family time doesn’t have to look like mine. But I believe EVERYONE should find a way to get it in.

Because family time is so important, and I know it looks different for all of us. I’m going to start really highlighting my family time and YOURS. On Fridays, tag me @xolaurenpace. And on certain weekends I’ll attach a giveaway too it, on others, lets just share the ways we, as different families, fill our cups and spend time with the people that matter most in the world.

