Get OUT Together (start by making a bucket list together)

I am super excited about summertime. But it’s also not a ton different because my kids aren’t in school yet. The Pace of things definitely changes and I want to make sure we are unplugged and present with each other as much as possible.

So the challenge today is CREATE A SUMMER BUCKET LIST. What are some things you are going to get out and do together this summer. Show me your lists!

Below I’ve attached an editable document so that you can create your own checklist for summertime.

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I also like to give him FULL ACCESS to all my safe cleaning supplies. Today I shared some “clean“ cleaning recipes above, but mostly I use a spray bottle of water and Norwex Microfiber clothes. I have a kids set that includes on for windows/mirrors, one for dusting and one for all surfaces. It hangs on his art shelf downstairs right next to his mop and broom from Melissa and Doug.

This boy clears his spot every night after dinner. Wipes his table and chair and then continues to empty the bottle by spraying and cleaning the cupboards, floor and dogs.

I love including him in the routines because even if I didn’t have the change to build a castle with him, I spent the day involving him and sharing my world with him.

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Rethink Your Toys

Not all stuffed animals are made the same. Some kids have a collection of stuffed animals. And I want to talk to you about what I look for in a good stuffed animal… and how they can be used for many different types of place.

  1. Stuffed animals are GREAT comfort items. Neither of my kids have attached to a stuffed animal, but when I was a teacher many children would have a stuffed animal that gave them consistency, comfort and a feeling over safety as they laid down for nap or left their parents to come to school. If a stuffed animal is serving your child in this way… it is something to celebrate, not condone. They are using this animal to be BRAVE with change and discomfort. This is a healthy way they are choosing to regulate. If they get older and are sucking on this animal or bringing it everywhere and you’re concerned about hygiene…. make a carrier or a bed. And have them place the animal in site, but not always in their arms.

  2. Buy stuffed animals that can be machine washed!

  3. If you have a collection of stuffed animals, you can use them in a toy rotation. Pull them out to be a zoo with blocks for a fence. Pull them out to be a pet shop, use cardboard boxes to make kennels. Use them with dramatic play.

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Take a Picture of Your Child #xoplaychallenge

I have always been a HUGE documenter. Some people may roll their eyes at this. But even if you are not one to always pull out your camera listen up.

You know when your baby is born… and everyone is taking pictures of the new baby.

Or you graduate and people take pictures, sing in a concert and get pictures.

These pictures are amazing, but someday you’ll want to look back on the every day stuff.

And kids have caught on, they know how special an event is if all the cameras are out. So why not channel that positive energy into something they do EVERYDAY.

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