Birth Story Videography - Baby Brooxe

I never considered myself a professional photographer or videographer. But I really really really, wanted to be there to capture my sister's birth a few weeks ago (this is not my sister in this blog). I practiced videos of my son in dark light, and on the move. I put together little videos for a long time before I even was asked to do the birth video. I took a videography class the week before Kylee was due, and made two more videos to practice in that time. I was only there for one minute before she started pushing and five minutes before my nephew was born. So Cache and Nick's birth video was much different. Witnessing the birth of a child is one of the most amazing things I could experience.

So, when Cachet saw the videos I did for Kylee... and asked me to do hers, I was nervous, but so so excited! I could do birth videos again and again. Seeing the way the parents face changes in moments of waiting and anxiety, to the moment they finally meet their child. Seeing baby Brooxe's mouth open wide as he cried the sweet newborn cry. Slimy, squishy babies, so sweet. This mother is so beautiful. Both parents are so patient and they now have six beautiful children. 

Cachet got to the hospital around 3 AM. I was sleeping through all her calls, but finally got there around 4:15 AM. She started pushing around 5:30 and Brooxe was born at 5:43. Her whole labor at the hospital was under three hours! And the pictures of the siblings meeting their brother were later that day, HOT DANG, Cache is so gorgeous. And both Cache and Nick look like super models with no sleep. It's amazing.

Scroll to see the video of the siblings meeting their brother below. 

Cache Valley Birth Videography - Baby Brooxe - @xolaurenpace
Cache Valley Birth Videography - Baby Brooxe - @xolaurenpace
Cache Valley Birth Videography - Baby Brooxe - @xolaurenpace
Cache Valley Birth Videography - Baby Brooxe - @xolaurenpace
Cache Valley Birth Videography - Baby Brooxe - @xolaurenpace
Cache Valley Birth Videography - Baby Brooxe - @xolaurenpace
Cache Valley Birth Videography - Baby Brooxe - @xolaurenpace
Cache Valley Birth Videography - Baby Brooxe - @xolaurenpace
Cache Valley Birth Videography - Baby Brooxe - @xolaurenpace
Cache Valley Birth Videography - Baby Brooxe - @xolaurenpace
Cache Valley Birth Videography - Baby Brooxe - @xolaurenpace
Cache Valley Birth Videography - Baby Brooxe - @xolaurenpace

Check out the Gifford's YouTube channel here

If you're interested in my birth videos, don't hesitate to contact me. I love them so much. 

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