Reframe Behavior

I presented this graphic at the beginning of the parenting challenge on my Instagram 

I presented this graphic at the beginning of the parenting challenge on my instagram     Do you notice anything change with your relationship, or with your child's behavior when you are more purposeful in your toys, play and time together?  Behavior…

Do you notice anything change with your relationship, or with your child's behavior when you are more purposeful in your toys, play and time together?

Behavior is a fascinating topic to study.

We usually look at behavior to notice WHAT is happening.

Are they hitting? Talking back? Fighting with siblings? Tattle-telling? Whining? Refusing to play independently?

When really the WHAT is just the tip of the iceberg.

Behavior is not blatant disobedience.

Behavior is communication.

I presented this graphic at the beginning of the parenting challenge on my instagram     Do you notice anything change with your relationship, or with your child's behavior when you are more purposeful in your toys, play and time together?  Behavior…

So what are they trying to communicate with their behavior?

As a child behavior coach I work with many families, child care centers and preschools to help identify the function (reason why) of a child's behavior. I also have to remember to think of my own child's behavior as communication… as fried as my brain is by the end of the day, it's the ONLY way to address it effectively and support them in developing new skills.

When we can figure out the function, we can then teach the missing skills, prevent common challenges and respond differently.


Lauren Pace