DIY Ikea Light Table Hack

Easy ikea light table hack. ✨

I got junk all over my latt table from ikea. I love this table, it’s the second set we have because it’s just so good to have for art/dramatic play/in the kitchen, etc. One night I set out to figure out what to do with my beat-up table… and was actually very surprised to find such an EASY light table hack.

If you don’t know light tables are over $300. I’ve wanted one for a while, but $300+??? Nahhhh.

What you need:


✨Lätt ikea table ($30)
✨18x24 plexiglass .22 in ($30 - Lowe’s)
✨8ft led light strip tape ($20)
✨frosted glass spray paint ($4)

Total: $84

I also already had the frosted glass spray too so all I needed was the plexiglass and lights (~$50).


1. Trace the ikea tabletop onto the plexiglass to notch out corners. I used my jigsaw for this step — you can also use a handsaw.2. Spray 3-5 layers of frosted glass spray paint on one side of plexiglass

1. Trace the ikea tabletop onto the plexiglass to notch out corners. I used my jigsaw for this step — you can also use a handsaw.
2. Spray 3-5 layers of frosted glass spray paint on one side of plexiglass


3. Assemble table with plexiglass as the tabletop
4. Tape the lights around the inside perimeter
5. Screw with a few screws the Ikea tabletop on as the new bottom with the cord coming out a corner. Secure plug to the bottom of the table with the tape provided and plugin!

If you do this project tag me on instagram! So much fun! Now we need more transparent building materials.

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