3-Steps to Help Your Tantrum-ing Child

Instead of fighting the tantrum. Make SPACE FOR IT.

I’m not saying this works every time. But when your child’s behavior is communicating that they are overwhelmed, try it. Step away. Connect. Take a break.

Step one: Move away from whatever is igniting them.

This could be a trigger. This could be sensory overload (too much touch, noise, people, heat). This could just be something that didn’t go their way or having to share something they want.
When do your kid’s tantrums seem to be triggered the most?

Step two: Connect Emotionally

Validate those feelings.

“You’re feeling stressed”

“I can see you are upset, let’s take a break“

“Are you okay?“

“Do you need a hug"?“

Step Three: Get Present in the Moment

What do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell?

Sometimes walking away and connecting with the moment is all they need.

This process is actually called co-regulation.

Co-regulation is an amazing tool, but it is also important to set boundaries while accepting big emotions.


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