Church with Kids

I look forward to each Sunday with Charlie. (and yes, he's a toddler, but is like a teaching challenge that I want to NAIL).

The goal is so MUCH positivity and prevention that they LOVE church. They look forward to the time with their parents even if it’s a long hour. Before they can learn anything in years to come, they just need to FEEL THE LOVE in a church setting.

Some of you are pros, 6 kids, on the bench, hair all braided. I am so in awe. But if you struggle with it. Here are some ideas, save it!

— Be aware of their Developmental Stage +In the early stages, lessons where kids have to SIT and listen... a 2 year old can hold attention for about 2 minutes, 3 year -3, 4 year -4 even when they are super engaging.
+This doesn't mean we can't push them to try though! They can fold arms for a prayer and close eyes. It just means that sitting with their arms folded for an entire lesson or talk is absolutely impossible for them
+Also, give them a little slack... if they are folding their arms and closing their eyes but wiggling their body. It's okay. Work them up to perfection (*joke*)
— Prepare
+Bring enough activities that can be rotated through every couple of minutes. Or add something to their play. If Charlie has the animals for a few minutes, I'll add in the tractor. Extending that activity with a little bit extra.
— Focus on the Behavior You Want
+One kid that I love would fold his arm so reverently. And walk through the halls and into Primary. SO many people acknowledged it... and it continued and continued and continued. A little bit of attention to that behavior we like goes a LONG way.
— Prompt appropriate ways to communicate needs
+If you are usually having to haul your kid out screaming every time. Then try it from a different angle. PREVENT by asking If you need a break, just say "Can I have a break?" And we can walk out of here together for a little break.
— Praise, eye contact, warmth LOVE
+If it's a struggle and a fight... it's probably exhausting for them too. — Create joy in being a part of it — lead music, prayer, show them the speaker, draw the speaker⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


Lauren Pace, MS | Parenting Coach | Child Behavior Coach | Logan, Utah | WA | Online