What I have loved Postpartum with Baby #3
Want the postpartum tea?
Buckle up ladies.
1. Willow Pump
Willow Pump wins for best purchase! I overproduce so much when I’m regulating and sleeping with rocks strapped under your breast tissue SUCKS. lol. I pumped off 15 oz. one day. And that was just for survival cuz I didn’t want to tell my body to make more but HAD to get it out lol.

Flexy Silicone Bottle - 3-Pack - Grey - $24.99
from: Nanobébé

Microwave Steam Sterilizer - $24.99
from: Nanobébé
2. The Nanobébé bottle sanitizer (makes cleaning the pumps & haakka sooo much easier)
3. Depends — game changer. I underestimated their usefulness. Will be switching to my @shethinx soon.
4. Heat/cool breast gel pads — helps with engorgement and clogged ducts. If you are prone to mastitis, you need.
5. Auden bra from Target is a true fave + shower with bra on for tender breasts
6. Haakka — put on the opposite breast that you are feeding or pumping and it suctions the let down (I get 4OZ of drip without any pumping with mine!!)
7. postpartum belly/pelvis wrap — my hips were ROCKED. These supports are super useful.
8. chiropractor ^^ same reason as above
9. bidet — so much easier than refilling those bottles all day and night.
I also kept my sitter who comes a few hours in the morning a couple of days a week. Instead of using this time to work, I use it to soak up baby Lola. Do a few things around the house that are neglected. Shower. And I am so much less stressed. 🤍🤍 plus our sitter PLAYS like no sitter ever has. My kids love her.
A huge bonus that I know I’m so blessed with. Good friends and neighbors who bring meals for the first week (life-saving). A mom who flies in and helps keep up the house and kids for a few days.
A supportive partner
Best of luck in your postpartum journey. I think this was my best recovery yet, mostly because I felt prepared and confident going into the dreaded recovery period.