Posts tagged xoplaytime
Xo Playtime: Flowers

We needed to get out of the house on Friday. We had been cooped up for weeks on quarantine. And the occasional walks and errands help us SO much.

On this walk, we had a purpose from our #xoplaytime plan. For MANY of our activities this week we need flowers. Flowers to dissect, use creatively and study. We are doing other growing activities, but to start off the week right we needed a massive pile of flowers to use.

So we set out on a hunt for dandelions in our Easter baskets.

Watch the video below for the fun, free activity you can do at home with your kids!

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XoPlaytime: Pumpkins!

#XOPLAYTIME is a compilation of 20+ activities every other week that...

- use the imagination

- push all the areas of development

- keep their attention

- use multiple senses

- support autonomy and independence

Revolving them around a new theme every other week allows them to become more interested in activities they may not usually participate in and gives a deeper understanding of so many different topics.

Don't feel like you need to go look up 20 unique activities twice a month. Just sign up for the subscription and do a handful of them a month. (code xolauren to get $2 off).

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