Posts in Products I love
Helping Young Kids Develop Emotional Intelligence with Tyler Beckstrand, LCSW

There is a lot of education on academics in our formal training, but not a lot on emotional intelligence. What would it be like if we learned emotions in school like we did math, history, or reading? Bear’s Book of Emotions was written to help children identify emotions in themselves. This is based on the concept of emotional intelligence which states that the 4 components of being emotionally sound are: 1 - Identifying emotions in ourselves, 2 - Identifying emotions in others, 3 - Regulating our own emotions, and 4 - Regulating emotions in our relationships with others.

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Gift Giving with Development in Mind | How Kids Learn Series

In 2016, I wanted to keep it simple and do the theme, "want, need, wear, read" for Christmas presents. But I literally have enough books to start a library for the first five years of Charlie's life. He has plenty of clothes. In fact, too many. And want/need… I had a new thought… basing their gifts on what they WANT/LIKE and support the development they need in the upcoming year.


So with toys and books this year, I am not going to look at the most popular toy. I'm going to start with the developmental areas… see what toys/experiences that support those areas.

Notice where my kids may need more support and get the toys that can help him develop those skills! This is my third year doing this and it’s been WONDERFUL.

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