Learn the signs to STOP Human Trafficking with Malouf Foundation

Jake Neeley is the Malouf Foundation director, which is a foundation that is a part of the company Malouf.

Malouf Foundation is supported by Malouf, so anything that comes into the foundation goes out to support their cause. Human trafficking is one of the fastest-growing criminal enterprises in the world.

Jake considers himself familiar with this cause but recognizes that this is a complicated, multi-faceted issue that we are ALL learning about. Any of us can learn more about human trafficking.

Everyone doesn't have to be an EXPERT, but this will bring us to a higher level of competence to understand what it looks like and how to help victims.

Find Malouf Foundation:


Take the Malouf Foundation On Watch training here: www.malouffoundation.org/onwatch/

Instagram: @malouffoundation

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